Press Release

For immediate release:
October 18, 2021

Healthcare Employment Platform from London Ont. Launches Service for Post-Secondary Institutes

Caring Support went live this week with its Post-Secondary Institute Channel, which allows colleges and universities to easily connect and communicate with healthcare employers, helping ease the process of finding internships and practicums placements for their students.

LONDON, ONTARIO – Caring Support launched its Post-Secondary Institute Channel this week, a service that allows colleges and universities to help their students and alumni get internships, practicums, and even permanent job placements with top healthcare employers in North America.

The job-matching platform, which is dedicated entirely to the healthcare industry, is also giving post-secondary institutes the opportunity to collaborate with employers to create new internship and "First Job" programs and to improve existing ones with their academic input. 

Caring Support's Post-Secondary Institute Channel enables colleges and universities to track their student’s placements and progress to better support them while they develop new skills in the field. In addition, it makes it possible for them to reconnect with alumni and former students who are currently working in healthcare and that would like to complete their studies or enroll in new academic programs. 

“We are very pleased to present this new side of the Caring Support platform to colleges and universities across North America, as it has the potential to become their most-used tool to help students enrolled in healthcare programs and get internships with amazing organizations that are known for being great places to work. That way students will be able to practice what they've learned in the classrooms and get ready to face the real world once they graduate,” says Joseph Jongsma, Founder and CEO of Caring Support.

The brand-new Post-Secondary Institute Channel is also an asset for healthcare employers, allowing them to enrich their workforces through the platform by getting access to hundreds of profiles of recent graduates and soon-to-be graduates from a diversity of institutes and academic programs related to healthcare.

Ultimately, the channel was designed to contribute to the introduction of new skilled talent to the healthcare industry, in times when organizations are in need of more workers than ever before to continue the fight against COVID-19.

Since its introduction to the market, Caring Support has expressed its desire to revolutionize the healthcare sector in North America. The job-matching platform remains focused on serving as a central resource for healthcare organizations, workers, and now post-secondary institutes, to simplify all processes related to employment for everyone involved.

About Caring Support:

Caring Support is an easy-to-use, responsive, and mobile-friendly job matching platform designed for the healthcare sector by Canadian businessman Joseph Jongsma alongside a talented crew.  Its main focus is streamlining the hiring process for healthcare employers while helping the most skillful healthcare professionals in North America find their dream jobs. Caring Support is a platform like no other, featuring perks like video resumes, in-app instant messaging, in-depth searching and filtering, and other capabilities that guarantee an efficient and productive user experience. Overall, it's a revolutionary tool truly dedicated to the healthcare sector.

Media Contact:

Paul Yuhasz

VP Marketing, Caring Support 

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