Ontario is moving ahead with its plan to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates among caregivers at long-term care homes while easing restrictions that have kept residents locked down in their rooms for months. Newly-appointed Minister of Long-Term Care, Rod Phillips, said 99% of nursing home residents are fully vaccinated, while 92% of caregivers have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
The deployment of 5G technology in Canada will enable artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions, which require faster speeds, but have incredible potential for virtual health care, particularly when it comes to treating people with Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline at long-term care homes or helping seniors stay in their homes longer.
Personal Support Workers and Nurses in Ontario have ample opportunities to work and develop their skills. In this article we explore some of those opportunities, explaining why healthcare is currently among the most desirable fields in the labour market at the moment and why this is a good moment for anyone with a passion for helping others to pursue a career in this particular sector.
Since the first wave, there has been mounting evidence that COVID-19 is spread primarily through the air in tiny particles, called aerosols, that are expelled when a person talks, coughs, or sneezes. However, much of Ontario's broad public health guidance has remained focused on precautions, such as distancing and hand-washing. Critics say this guidance is outdated, and dangerous for healthcare workers on the front lines, including those in long-term care settings.
Experts say there are a few important things to keep in mind. Firstly, that a person isn't fully vaccinated until two weeks have passed after their second dose. Secondly, that everyone's situation and risk level is a little bit different, and even doctors and epidemiologists are sometimes divided on what's safe to do. Read more.
As Canada's population keeps aging, more and more families want to keep their older loved ones in the comfort of their own homes, but don’t have the time to offer them all the care they deserve. That is when health care agencies or home health agencies come to the rescue, offering an invaluable service to the community. This article offers more details on this interesting topic.
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