Nursing is constantly evolving, and what nurses need to know to succeed today is not what it was a decade ago. So, we recently sat down with The Nurse Informant, RN Nurse Terri, to talk about all the things that many nurses don't talk about, but are so important for everyone in the field to overcome current issues, move forward in their careers and become successful.
We live in a visual world where graphics sometimes say more than words and first impressions matter. With that in mind, on our most recent episode of the Caring Support Podcast, we had an interesting conversation with graphic designer Anneka Burghout about how good design can benefit job seekers regardless of their industry and stage in their careers.
Virtual health care certainly existed prior to the pandemic, but overburdened hospitals through the COVID-19 pandemic popularized it. The main goal for virtual care, or “telehealth,” services is to provide faster and more efficient medical consultations for those who want to cut down on wait times for simple services, such as sick notes or prescription refills — or parents looking to see a pediatrician over small concerns.
The federal government plans to change its definition of what it means to be fully protected against COVID-19 to reflect advice that a number of health experts have been recommending for months, including Canada’s top doctors. “Although two doses still protect significantly well against severe disease and death, two doses are not enough now to protect against infection and transmission,” Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said.
Prolonged use of personal protective equipment (PPE) has been causing adverse skin conditions for healthcare workers since the beginning of the pandemic. In this episode, we give you easy and simple tips to care for your skin and avoid rashes or irritation while on the job.
Life may be back to normal for many Canadians now that COVID-19 cases are on the decline, but the same is not true for healthcare workers who are still dealing with hospital outbreaks and COVID-19 patients. After two years of extreme pandemic workloads, doctors and nurses say they are experiencing more burnout and emotional exhaustion than ever before. In fact, physician burnout has never been higher in Canada, according to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA).
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