Join the Caring Support Marketplace!

What is the Marketplace?

The Caring Support Marketplace offers businesses the ability to advertise their unique products and/or services to our 20,000+ healthcare workers.

The Marketplace can be viewed from inside The Caring Support Platform by our users, and also from our public website, maximizing the amount of viewers. Users can view all listings or filter by category to find exactly what they are looking for.

Why Should You advertise your listing?

The Caring Support Marketplace is a great opportunity for your company to show off your brand to thousands of healthcare workers, employers, and school.

Here's our convincing argument on why YOU should advertise with us today!

All-In-One Advertising

Our Marketplace is a place to advertise your product/service with not only an image, but an image, title,  description, and optional discount code - it's like Google text and display ads mixed together!

Large Viewership

Your listing will be seen by our 20,000+ healthcare workers, 150+ healthcare organizations, 50+ post-secondary institutes, AND additional public viewers.


By using a trackable link, you can see how much traffic you are receiving from us.

We will also provide you a monthly report on how many eyeballs have seen your listing.

Monthly Listing Change

You can change your listing once per month if you wish.

Prompt To-Live

After payment, your listing will be live within 1-2 business days.

Additional Promotion

We will advertise your brand on our social platforms and via email promotion.

Advertising Packages

Limited Time Offer

Standard Advertiser

per month *

What you get as a standard advertiser:

  • 1 ad listing shown on marketplace page in chosen category

  • 1 optional monthly listing change

  • Promoted to our social platforms as a group feature (with other brands)

  • Promoted in our e-newsletter as a group feature

* prices subject to change with notice.

Featured Advertiser

per month *

What you get as a featured advertiser:

  • 1 ad listing shown on marketplace page in chosen category AND in the Featured category

  • 1 optional monthly listing change

  • Promoted to our social platforms as a solo feature on a high view day

  • Promoted in our e-newsletter as a solo feature

* prices subject to change with notice.
Limited Time Offer

Additional Services:

Image Creation - $149 Flat Fee

Looking to get an image created for your Marketplace listing? We can help!

We charge a flat fee of $149 CAD for image creation, including approval process. What you will get:

  • One high quality image created by our professional graphic designer that you get to keep for future use.

  • After the image is created, you will receive it for approval. Fee includes any edits needed.

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Ready to join the marketplace?

Thank you, we will be in touch very soon!

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